Sunday, October 15, 2006

Need data? Join a library!

Members of the general public have a very difficult time gaining access standardized financial data for companies.

It's a Herculean task to standardize financial data. It takes a lot of time and energy to trawl through annual reports and translate those financial figures into an Excel spreadsheet for each company. Don't forget you also have to maintain the data for relevance and accuracy.

What I want is standardized financial data for the Asia Pacific Region done by people who know what they're doing cos they're getting paid for it. I found a data supplier:

They have this product called: ORIANA. Problem is they want you to pay per view.

The work around: I went to visit NUS Library website and did a search on their databases for standardized financial data. Voila!

The link:

Of interest is Orbis (Orianna Coverage)
"Orbis (Oriana coverage) provides balance sheet items, profit and loss account items and ratios, security and price data, ownership information of public and private companies in Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam."

There's one slight problem: If you're not a student of NUS i.e. if you don't pay fees at the Uni, then you're out of luck.

Not a problem... all you gotta do is pay $300 for annual subscription to the library. Small price to pay considering that you gain access to not only the database but also to technical search expertise and latest financial data.

If you're thinking of signing up, here's the [link]

Libraries are now my new favourite hang out places!

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